Extinct Monsters Artographic

Extinct Monsters Artographic

This one is on the way yahh!

Oh I loved working on this ‘Extinct Monsters’ graphic. Some of them are just crazy looking dudes. Even that college professor is a bit scary looking, bless ‘im.

Its hard to imagine that these creatures roamed the Earth many millions of years ago. Fossil and Skeleton evidence clearly proves the fact, there’s no doubt left there. Even Charles Darwin would have got a fright bumping into one of these guys lol.

Extinct Monsters 600x600 PNG

Artographic In The Pipeline

I’ve been wanting to create this one awhile now, but I had other work on getting the website knocked into shape. But most of the fundamentals are in place now, so I should get this ‘Extinct Monsters Infographic’ done in the coming days. Gotta do a bit of research on it, but I have the ‘ingredients’, just need to put them together.

Dedicate this one to the Maestro, Mr. David Bowie. ‘Scary Monsters’, he knew ;).

I’ll add a link here, when it and the Page are done.



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